Jagran School of Public Policy & International Affairs, JLU Bhopal, launches “Centre for Non-Killing and Peace”

Jagran School of Public Policy & International Affairs, JLU Bhopal, launches “Centre for Non-Killing and Peace”


                                                       Vouching for Utopia 

“In remembrance of all who have been killed, of all the killers of all who have not killed, and of all who have worked to end killing; Guided by the Global Nonkilling Spirit.” – (Prof. Glenn D. Paige)

On the occasion of World Peace Day on 21st September, this year, Jagran School of Public Policy & International Affairs, JLU Bhopal, announced the inauguration of the country’s first dedicated  Centre for Non-Killing and Peace, where the university aligns eminent speakers to come together at a virtual forum vouching for the same. The session, virtually hosted by Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. Anoop Swarup, Chairman, Centre for Global Non-killing at Hawaii (in consultative status to the UN) has proudly hosted  Prof. Dr. Neelkantha Radhakrishnan, Chairman- Indian Council of Gandhian Studies (New Delhi), Founder- Gandhi Media Foundation,  Dr. Balwant Bhaneja- Former Canadian Diplomat, Dr. Thomas Fee- Founding Leadership Team, Centre for Global Nonkilling,  Dr. Thomas Daffern- Director, International Institute of Peace Studies and Global Philosophy,  Dr. Maorang Jiang, Director, Asian World Centre, Omaha, NE, USA,  Mr. Christophe Barbey, Representative at the United Nations in Geneva for CGNK and Dr. Joam Evan Pim, Director, Centre for Global Nonkilling.

The brainstorming session began with an invocation by Prof. Dr. Swarup and went on to echo the teachings of the renowned Professor Glenn D. Paige, further supported by other esteemed panelists. As the address progressed further, the Gandhian philosophy was easily tracked when one of the experts quoted, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” and it was easy to make out that all the professionals are highly influenced by the Gandhian teachings. The aim of the session is to invoke a non-killing spirit in the society and foreground the non-killing paradigm shift, over time.

One of the scholars made an important remark and busted the myth that “Man is basically violent”. He carefully examined the statement and denied its existence wholeheartedly. He believes Au Contraire. Furthermore, it was noted that “Change is the law of the life” as expressed by yet another speaker and rightly so!

By this very establishment, what is aimed at is the making of “catalysts of change” who will make this world a better place in due course. More often than not, we come across news that deals with homicides, terrorist acts, and wars. This mission focusses on breaking away from that path and moving towards a better world.

On a note “Happy people dream of Happy world” by Chrisophe, the tone was set further. Not just that, he also used a metaphor of a peace zone to promote his ideas, perfectly resonating with what JLU aims to do.

Towards the end, Dr. Pim can be seen echoing Page’s words, “everyone can be a center for Global Non-killing”. In the event, Dr. Katyayni Singh’s (holding the world’s first non-killing doctoral thesis) presence was unmissable, and its impact undeniable.

The highlight of the whole session is that some speakers decided to be representatives of peace by symbolically donning peace-inspired clothing.Over all, the session has been widely appreciated and admired for being multi-disciplinary and intercultural (thereby aiming at the interests of a plethora of audience). It was indeed a beautiful sight for the eyes to watch such a diverse panel of professionals (divided by different nations of origin and united by working for world peace).

JLU yet again shines brighter than its previous accolades in getting together the best minds across different geographical dimensions. And taking the first step towards collective awakening.

Long live the establishment!

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