InnerShe, A health talk with Dr. Somya Dwivedi (MD Radiodiagnosis, Fellow of fetal imaging) at Jagran Lakecity University

InnerShe, A health talk with Dr. Somya Dwivedi (MD Radiodiagnosis, Fellow of fetal imaging) at Jagran Lakecity University

‘It is extremely important to take care of the most important person in this world, ‘yourself’.’ The Women’s Cell at Jagran Lakecity University in collaboration with Qura Diagnostics and ResearchCenter organized the lecture ‘InnerShe’ aimed at empowering women from within. On 23rd January 2018, Dr. Somya Dwivedi (MD Radiodiagnosis, Fellow of fetal imaging) held an interactive session with the female students and faculty members of JLU Bhopal on various topics concerning the female health.

It is surprising that even after being extremely advanced in the field of technology, the reported cases of issues relating to female health in India haven’t gone down. The problem does not lie in the absence of medical facilities but in the lack of awareness amongst the crowd. Detecting the early signs of a disease and consulting your physician in time can prevent it from turning life threatening.

Diverse topics ranging from basic issues like menstrual health to prime concerns like cervical cancer were discussed. The female audience actively and enthusiastically participated in asking questions that were previously thought embarrassing. Dr. Somya enlightened the audience about the early signs of many fatal diseases that if diagnosed on time can be effectively cured.

Humans have now started residing in a concrete jungle and have adopted a corporate life. This life comes with its own set of discomforts in the form of diseases. It is surprising that making minor changes in one’s lifestyle can lead to the prevention of a majority of ailments. Dr. Somya shared some tips for a healthy life that if implemented on a daily basis can save you multiple trips to the doctor’s office.
The session turned out to be fun and informative in equal measures where every single woman in the audience came out, entitled to say that “I AM AWARE.”
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