With the immense advancement in the field of science and technology, the human race now has answers to most of the mysteries of the Universe. However, there are some anonymities still unanswered by the science as we know today, like the Sphinx in Egypt that was thought to have been built in 2500 BC by the Pharaoh Khafre. It was only after the tests done by Dr. Robert Schoch (PhD in Systematics, Functional Morphology and Macroevolution of the Extinct Mammalian Order Taeniodonta, Yale University) did we find out that the weathering evident on the enclosure walls of the Great Sphinx was not caused by wind and sand, but, caused by prolonged and extensive rainfall flood. The astonishing fact here is that, it has not rained heavily in Egypt after 5000 BC, which dates back the Sphinx to 10000-5000 BC. Many such mysteries including the Great Pyramid of Giza, Bryn Celli Ddu and the Stonehenge, UK present questions that do not have any answers as of now.
These intriguing mysteries have created an interesting genre for the IIM Calcutta alumnus turned author Mr. Christopher C. Doyle. He visited the Jagran Lakecity University campus on 4thApril 2018 for an interactive session with the students. Having graduated with a degree in economics from the prestigious St. Stephens College, Delhi, Christopher went on to do his MBA from the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta. Having had keen interest in the Mahabharata since childhood, the unexplained secrets from the past combined with his knack for storytelling, led to the creation of his first book ‘The Mahabharata Secret.’ The notable fact here being that in every book of his, Christopher creates a story around Mythology and a historical Character blended around the present day fiction.
Christopher engaged the students with a presentation that started with the difference between history and mythology and went on to state the various secrets from the past. The session was compelling enough to leave the students mesmerized in the aftermath. In the end, he revealed the first look of his upcoming book ‘The Pataala Prophecy: Son of Bhrigu.’