Bringing the World to our Classrooms: Cultural Exchange 2017

Bringing the World to our Classrooms: Cultural Exchange 2017


Culture is a window reflecting the history, cultural and spiritual world of a nation, a Cultural Exchange is a bridge to enhance the mutual understanding and friendship between the people of different nations.

In an era, so set on the idea of evaluation through marks, Jagran Lakecity University has proved to be an outcast, where quality education is imparted not only through books but outside the box as well. 
Culture Exchange helps students in adapting and learning about a new environment and provides an opportunity to learn about different cultures from a local perspective. Companies of all types nowadays work with international clients and partners and it has been observed that the work culture is more diverse, hence such programs help students polish their communication skills and make it easier for them to interact with people from different cultural backgrounds. We provide our students with ample opportunities to interact with students from all over the world to exchange their views and methodologies.

This year was no different. The Jagran Lakecity University, School of Commerce and Economics conducted a cultural exchange event where students from California Baptist University took part in an interactive session with our students. The program led by Deborah Rebecca Sam was an initiative by EdLink Bhopal, based on cross cultural interaction and enrichment. The student delegates were Daniel Gottob (Psychology), Lisa Orona, Troy Mitchell (Health Science), Cassie Fuire, Cassie Vela, Brook Young (English) and Gwen Ramirez (Nutrition) along with 2 faculty members, Mr. Ian Price and Mr. Bernard Dafney.

The program started on a light note with two musical performances by the students of California Baptist University and one by our students. The real thought exchange, however, began with the question and answer session. Critical topics such as ‘role of women in the Indian society’, ‘religious freedom in India’ and ‘current political issues’ were discussed. Our students succeeded in providing a thorough insight on ‘education in India’ to the student delegates, whereas they enlightened the audience on ‘communities, caste traditions, and challenges faced by American citizens’.

The whole interaction turned out to be an enthusiastic and fun affair. The student delegates expressed gratitude for the hospitality and support they received in India.
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