School of Law at Jagran LakecityUniversity is known for its rich academic content and resources and for providing cutting edge legal education. The faculty members, a team of dedicated individuals with remarkable exposure, make sure that the essence of modern legal education reaches the students.
Nouveau style of Law Teaching
Our students are provided with both a strong doctrinal program and a rigorous and varied set of clinical, advocacy and skills courses. Diverse nature of field activities, conferences and other academic and co-curricular event provide an opportunity to the students to actualize the potential within. School of Law is profoundly committed to moulding the students into determined and goal-oriented professionals.
The most current methods of disseminating legal knowledge are adopted by the faculty to keep the students engaged throughout the semester. Interactive learning, case-law based teaching, practice-oriented subject delivery and regular in-class workshops are some of the key features of every classroom at JLU-SOL.
Prolific Research Hub
We have established six dedicated centres in the booming sectors of law, namely, Infrastructural Laws, Competition Law & Policy, Intellectual Property Laws, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Human Rights and Gender Justice and Good Governance, Law and Policy. All these centres are headed by trained faculty members who make sure that regular activities are conducted within their respective centres. The goal is to promote impactful research works in the above-mentioned law domains.
Apart from this, we have also constituted the Ram Jethmalani-JLU Chair of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice the main aim of which is to explore the growing dimensions of criminal law. The Chair also aims to establish a common platform for those who have a stake in the criminal justice system of the country. It also aspires to create a bridge between the vulnerable and underprivileged section of the society and criminal justice system.
Practice to perfection
At JLU School of Law, moot court practices are made compulsory right from the beginning of the law school life of a student. We provide the most modern moot court to our students to keep them motivated. We inspire our students to hone their legal acumen through regular mock trials and argumentations.
We ensure that in the moot court curriculum, our students experience a court-room like an environment and practice cases of varied nature i.e. civil, criminal, corporate, intellectual property, etc.
Clinical activities through an advanced Legal Aid Clinic
As per the mandate of the Rules of Legal Education 2008, School of Law has established a Legal Aid Clinic that lives up to its objective. The purpose behind having this Clinic is to familiarize law students with the problems faced by those people who are either uninformed or ignorant about their rights under the law and to teach them skills to help such people. Legal Aid Clinic is recognized by the Legal Aid Services Authority, Bhopal.
Legal Aid Clinic serves a two-fold purpose, first is to provide free legal services to economically weaker people and second, to direct the energies of the students in contributing to the society. The members of the Legal Aid Clinic are engaged in spreading legal awareness in rural areas through street plays as well as legal aid camps where they make the target population aware of different laws.
Transcending National Boundaries
In order to provide optimum exposure to our students, the School of Law has taken various initiatives to ensure its global presence.
We have signed MoU with University of West Los Angeles to promote faculty and student exchange programs and also with World Federation of United Nations Associations, WFUNA, New York, in collaboration of which we have organized an international conference on human rights. We are members of esteemed international bodies such as International Association of Law Schools (IALS), Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development (An initiative of World Bank) and International Centre of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ICADR), New Delhi.
Professional Grooming, Diverse Internship opportunities and Placement Training
School of Law has a dedicated team of trained individuals whose job is to train the students and ensure their holistic development. An intensive and advanced training regime is employed to provide a facilitative environment to the students. The professional development program is tuned according to the contemporary demands of the industry. Trainers from renowned organizations are regularly invited to interact with the students and to expand their horizons.
In the internship program, our students have gained extensive exposure at various renowned law firms, multi-national corporations, non-governmental organizations and senior advocates.
Recreational and Co-curricular Edge
School of Law, in pursuit of its mission of wholesome development of the students, has constituted several recreational societies.
Litigium (a discussion, deliberation and argumentation society) aims to build a healthy intellectual atmosphere and to provide the students with an opportunity to express their ideas about various social issues and challenges.
The Apostle (messenger of the people) is an initiative under which our students are encouraged to write letters to the editors of renowned English newspapers highlighting various socio-legal and civic issues. More than 20 articles and letters have been published by students of the School of Law in various esteemed Newspapers.
Lex Manor – The Legal Wall Newspaper is a student-driven initiative of School of Law to provide our readers with accurate, bold, unbiased news, views, opinions, and features. It is a comprehensive Legal Wall Newspaper committed to redefining the standards of legal journalism in India.
Lex Cultura is a fresh initiative to provide a platform for students to showcase their literary and artistic talents on various platforms. The club provides constructive liberty to the students to openly express and exchange their creative thoughts and idea.
The family of JLU School of Law is dedicated to providing our students with world-class legal education. We work with rigour to live up to the name of JLU School of Law, a citadel for legal education par excellence.